Il Governo ha approvato il decreto "Energia e investimenti", tra le varie misure adottate spicca la proroga del superbonus 110 per le villette e gli edifici unifamiliari
Poste Italiane lancia lo strumento "Crea la tua pensione complementare" che aiuterà a mantenere il proprio livello di vita in linea con le propria aspettative.
A screen shows a live news broadcast of Chinese President Xi Jinping speaking at a ceremony marking the centenary of the Chinese Community Party, taking place at Beijing's Tiananmen Square, in Shanghai, China, on Thursday, July 1, 2021. President Xi Jinping is set to deliver a speech linking the Communist Party's 100th anniversary to China's return to wealth and power, making the case that the party -- with him at the top -- is the nation's best hope for more growth. Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg